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I will let you knw.. once i come to knw... -- dushant sonawane

Monday, April 26, 2010

Do you know some interesting facts.

1. Coca-Cola was originally green.
2. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
3. The name of all the continents ends with the same letter that they start
4. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
5. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.
6. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
7. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
8. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
9. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
10. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.
11. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
12. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
13. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
14. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history. Spades - King David Clubs - Alexander the Great, Hearts - Charlemagne Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

16. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.
17. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.
18. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
19. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common? They are all invented by women.
20. This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this? It is Honey.
21. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
22. A snail can sleep for three years.
23. All polar bears are left handed.
24. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
25. Butterflies taste with their feet.
26. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
27. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
28. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
29. Shakespeare invented the word 'assassination' and 'bump'.
30. Stewardesses are the longest word typed with only the left hand.

31. The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
32. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
33. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
34. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over million descendants.
35. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
36. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
37. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
38. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different
39. There is a Butterfly in Brazil which has the color of chocolates and also smells like chocolate.
40. Giraffee can clean there ears with their tongue.
41. Both Humans and Giraffee have the same number of bones in the neck.
   1. The Statue of Liberty's index finger is eight feet long.
   2. Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile.
   3. A 75 year old person will have slept about 23 years.
   4. Boeing 747's wing span is longer than the Wright brother's first flight. The Wright brother's invented the airplane.
   5. There are as many chickens on earth as there are humans.
   6. One type of hummingbird weighs less than a penny.
   7. The word "set" has the most number of definitions in the English language; 192 Slugs have four noses.
   8. Sharks can live up to 100 years.
   9. Mosquitos are more attracted to the color blue than any other color.
  10. Kangaroos can't walk backwards.
  11. About 75 acres of pizza are eaten in in the U.S. everyday.
  12. The largest recorded snowflake was 15 Inch wide and 8 Inch thick. It fell in Montana in 1887.
  13. The tip of a bullwhip moves so fast that the sound it makes is actually a tiny sonic boom.
  14. Former president Bill Clinton only sent 2 emails in his entire 8 year presidency.
  15. Koalas and humans are the only animals that have finger prints.
  16. There are 200,000,000 insects for every one human.
  17. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery had in it to begin with.
  18. The world's largest Montessori school is in India, with 26,312 students in 2002.
  19. Octopus have three hearts.
  20. If you ate too many carrots, you would turn orange.
  21. The average person spends two weeks waiting for a traffic light to change.
  22. 1 in 2,000,000,000 people will live to be 116 or old.
  23. The body has 2-3 million sweat glands.
  24. Sperm whales have the biggest brains; 20 lbs.
  25. Tiger shark embroyos fight each other in their mother's womb. The survivor is born.
  26. Most cats are left pawed.
  27. 250 people have fallen off the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
  28. A Blue whale's tongue weighs more than an elephant.
  29. You use 14 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. Keep Smiling!
  30. Bamboo can grow up to 3 ft in 24 hours.
  31. An eyeball weighs about 1 ounce.
   1.  People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain.
   2. Black bears are not always black they can be brown, cinnamon, yellow and sometimes white.
   3. People with blue eyes see better in dark.
   4. Each year 30,000 people are seriously injured by exercise equipment.
   5. The placement of a donkey?s eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet.
   6. The sun is 330330 times larger than the earth.
   7. The cow gives nearly 200000 glass of milk in her lifetime.
   8. There are more female than male millionaires in the U.S.A.
   9. A male baboon can kill a leopard.
  10. When a person dies, hearing is usually the first sense to go.
  11. Bill gates house was designed using Macintosh computer.
  12. Nearly 22,000 cheques will be deducted from the wrong account over the next hour.
  13. Almost all varieties of breakfast cereals are made from grass.
  14. Some lions mates over 50 times a day.
  15. American did not commonly use forks until after the civil war.
  16. The most productive day of the week is Tuesday.
  17. In the 1930?s America track star Jesse Owens used to race against horses and dogs to earn a living.
  18. There is a great mushroom in Oregon that is 2,400 years old. It Covers 3.4 square miles of land and is still growing.
  19. Jimmy Carter is the first USA president to have born in hospital.
  20. Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
  21. Cleopatra married two of her brothers.
  22. Human birth control pill works on gorillas.
  23. The right lung takes in more air than the left.
  24. It is illegal to own a red car in shanghai china.
  25. A hard-boiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.
  26. Astronauts cannot burp in space.
  27. The snowiest city in the USA is Blue Canyon, California.
  28. Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only fresh water lake in the world that has sharks.
  29. Kite flying is a professional sport in Thailand.
  30. The great warrior Genghis khan died in bed while having sex.
  31. No matter how cold it gets gasoline will not freeze.
  32. SNAILS have 14175 teeth laid along 135 rows on their tongue.
  33. A BUTTERFLY has 12,000 eyes.
  34. Dolphins sleep with 1 eye open.
  35. A BLUE WHALE can eat as much as 3 tones of food everyday, but at the same time can live without food for 6 months.
  36. The EARTH has over 12,00,000 species of animals, 3,00,000 species of plants & 1,00,000 other species.
  37. The fierce DINOSAUR was TYRANNOSAURS which has sixty long & sharp teeth, used to attack & eat other dinosaurs.
  38. DEMETRIO was a mammal like REPTILE with a snail on its back. This acted as a radiator to cool the body of the animal.
  39. CASSOWARY is one of the dangerous BIRDS that can kill a man or animal by tearing off with its dagger like claw.
  40. The SWAN has over 25,000 feathers in its body.
  41. OSTRICH eats pebbles to help digestion by grinding up the ingested food.
  42. POLAR BEAR can look clumsy & slow but during chase on ice, can reach 25 miles / hr of speed.
  43. KIWIS are the only birds, which hunt by sense of smell.
  44. ELEPHANT teeth can weigh as much as 9 pounds.
  45. OWL is the only bird, which can rotate its head to 270 degrees.
  46. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
  47. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
  48. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
  49. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
  50. Tapeworms range in size from about 0.04 inch to more than 50 feet in length.
  51. German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.
  52. A female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time.
  53. Crane sleeps standing on one leg.
  54. Shark cannot see, they are very sensitive to sound.
  55. Sneezing stops heart beat for a second and then continues.
  56. Shape of the backbone is important to have sufficient breathing.
  57. Tortoise has very sharp teeth it can rip open the stomach of whale with its teeth.

   1.  Turtles have no teeth.
   2. Prehistoric turtles may have weighed as much as 5,000 pounds.
   3. Only one out of a thousand baby sea turtles survives after hatching.
   4. Sea turtles absorb a lot of salt from the sea water in which they live. They excrete excess salt from their eyes, so it often looks as though they're crying.
   5. Helium is a colorless, odorless, tasteless inert gas at room temperature and makes up about 0.0005% of the air we breathe.
   6. Helium Balloon Gas makes balloons float. Helium is lighter than air and just as the heaviest things will tend to fall to the bottom, the lightest things will rise to the top.
   7. Helium Balloon Gas makes balloons float. Helium is lighter than air and just as the heaviest things will tend to fall to the bottom, the lightest things will rise to the top.
   8. Camels can spit.
   9. An ostrich can run 43 miles per hour (70 kilometers per hour).
  10. Pigs are the fourth most intelligent animal in the world.
  11. Dinosaurs didn't eat grass? There was no grass in the days of the dinosaurs.
  12. Dolphins can swim 37 miles per hour (60 kilometers per hour).
  13. A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth? It cannot move. It cannot chew but its Digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail, Glass pieces, etc.
  14. Sharks are immune to disease i.e. they do not suffer from any Disease.
  15. Animals are either right- or left-handed? Polar bears are always left-handed, and so is Kermit the Frog.
  16. Paris, France has more dogs than people.
  17. New Zealand is home to 70 million sheep and only 40 million people.
  18. Male polar bears weigh 1400 pounds and females only weight 550 pounds, on average.
  19. Bison are excellent swimmers? Their head, hump and tail never go below the surface of the water.
  20. There are 6 to 14 frog?s species in the world that have no tongues. One of these is the African dwarf frog.
  21. A frog named Santjie, who was in a frog derby in South Africa jumped 33 feet 5.5 inches.
  22. The longest life span of a frog was 40 years
  23. The eyes of a frog flatten down when it swallows its prey
  24. The name `India' is derived from the River Indus
  25. The Persian invaders converted it into Hindu. The name `Hindustan' combines Sindhu and Hindu and thus refers to the land of the Hindus.
  26. Chess was invented in India.
  27. The' place value system' and the 'decimal system' were developed in 100 BC in India.
  28. The game of snakes & ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat.' The ladders in the game represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices.
  29. India has the most post offices in the world
  30. 'Navigation' is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH
  31. The word navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word 'Nou'.
  32. Until 1896, India was the only source for diamonds to the world
  33. The' place value system' and the 'decimal system' were developed in 100 BC in India.
  34. A snail can sleep for 3 years.
  35. The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start
  36. Twenty-Four-Karat Gold is not pure gold since there is a small amount of copper in it. Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.
  37. Electricity doesn't move through a wire but through a field around the wire.
  38. The first bicycle that was made in 1817 by Baron von Drais didn't have any pedals? People walked it along
  39. The first steam powered train was invented by Robert Stephenson. It was called the Rocket.
  40. A cheetah does not roar like a lion - it purrs like a cat (meow).
  41. The original name for the butterfly was 'flutterby'
  42. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
  43. Ants don't sleep.
  44. Dolphins usually live up to about twenty years, but have been known to live for about forty.
  45. Dolphins sleep in a semi-alert state by resting one side of their brain at a time
  46. A dolphin can hold its breath for 5 to 8 minutes at a time
  47. Bats can detect warmth of an animal from about 16 cm away using its "nose-leaf".
  48. Bats can also find food up to 18 ft. away and get information about the type of insect using their sense of echolocation.
  49. The eyes of the chameleon can move independently & can see in two different directions at the same time.
  50. Cockroach: Can detect movement as small as 2,000 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
  51. Dragonfly: Eye contains 30,000 lenses.
  52. Pig's Tongue contains 15,000 taste buds. For comparison, the human tongue has 9,000 taste buds.
  53. The number system was invented by India. Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero.
  54. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

  55. Earth weighs 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons
  56. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
  57. A duck's quack doesn't echo anywhere
  58. Man is the only animal who'll eat with an enemy
  59. The average woman uses about her height in lipstick every five years.
  60. The first Christmas was celebrated on December 25, AD 336 in Rome.
  61. A Cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death.
  62. A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't
  63. A rat can last longer without water than a camel can
  64. About 10% of the world's population is left-handed
  65. Dolphins sleep with one eye open
  66. Snakes have no external ears. Therefore, they do not hear the music of a "snake charmer". Instead, they are probably responding to the movements of the snake charmer and the flute. However, sound waves may travel through bones in their heads to the middle ear.
  67. Many spiders have eight eyes.
  68. The tongue of snakes has no taste buds. Instead, the tongue is used to bring smells and tastes into the mouth. Smells and tastes are then detected in two pits, called "Jacobson's organs", on the roof of their mouths. Receptors in the pits then transmit smell and taste information to the brain.
  69. Birds don't sweat
  70. The highest kangaroo leap recorded is 10 ft and the longest is 42 ft
  71. Flamingo tongues were eaten common at Roman feasts
  72. The smallest bird in the world is the Hummingbird. It weighs 1oz
  73. The bird that can fly the fastest is called a White it can fly up to 95 miles per hour.
  74. The oldest living thing on earth is 12,000 years old. It is the flowering shrubs called creosote bushes in the Mojave Desert
  75. Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water.
  76. A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, one will feel thirsty. If it's reduced by 10%, one will die.
  77. Along with its length neck, the giraffe has a very long tongue -- more than a foot and a half long. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue
  78. Ostriches can kick with tremendous force, but only forward. Don't Mess with them
  79. An elephant can smell water three miles away
  80. If you were to remove your skin, it would weigh as much as 5 pounds
  81. A hippopotamus can run faster than a man
  82. India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history
  83. The world's known tallest man is Robert Pershing Wadlow. The giraffe is 5.49m (18 ft.), the man is 2.55m (8ft. 11.1 in.).
  84. The world's tallest woman is Sandy Allen. She is 2.35m (7 ft. 7 in.).
  85. The only 2 animals that can see behind themselves without turning its head are the rabbit and the parrot.
  86. The blue whale is the largest animal on earth. The heart of a blue whale is as big as a car, and its tongue is as long as an elephant.
  87. The largest bird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. Ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long. Because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to hard-boil. The average adult male ostrich, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds.
  88. Every dolphin has its own signature whistle to distinguish it from other dolphins, much like a human fingerprint
  89. The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons i.e. 50000 Kg at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons i.e. 150000 Kg.
  90. 90 % of all the ice in the world in on Antarctica
  91. Antarctica is DRIEST continent. Antarctica is a desert
  92. Antarctica is COLDEST continent, averaging minus 76 degrees in the winter
  93. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and it doesn't have a moon. Its atmosphere is so thin that during the day the temperature reaches 750 degrees, but at night it gets down to -300 degrees.
  94. Jupiter is the largest planet. If Jupiter were hollow, you could fit 1000 earths inside! It is made up of gas and is not solid. The most famous feature on Jupiter is its Red Spot, which is actually an enormous hurricane that has been raging on Jupiter for hundreds of years! Sixteen moons orbit Jupiter.
  95. Saturn is a very windy place! Winds can reach up to 1,100 miles per hour. Saturn is also made of gas. If you could find an ocean large enough, it would float. This planet is famous for its beautiful rings, and has at least 18 moons.
  96. Uranus is the third largest planet, and is also made of gas. It's tilted on its side and spins north-south rather than east-west. Uranus has 15 moons.
  97. Neptune takes 165 Earth years to get around the sun. It appears blue because it is made of methane gas. Neptune also has a big Spot like Jupiter. Winds on Neptune get up to 1,200 mile per hour! Neptune has 8 moons.
  98. Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun... usually. It has such an unusual orbit that it is occasionally closer to the sun than Neptune. Pluto is made of rock and ice.
  99. Just about everyone listens to the radio! 99% of homes in the United States have a least one radio. Most families have several radios.
 100. Sound is sent from the radio station through the air to your radio by means of electromagnetic waves. News, music, Bible teaching, baseball games, plays, advertisements- these sounds are all converted into electromagnetic waves (radio waves) before they reach your radio and your ears.
 101. At the radio station, the announcer speaks into a microphone. The microphone changes the sound of his voice into an electrical signal. This signal is weak and can't travel very far, so it's sent to a transmitter. The transmitter mixes the signal with some strong radio signals called carrier waves. These waves are then sent out through a special antenna at the speed of light! They reach the antenna of your radio. Your antenna "catches" the signal, and the radio's amplifier strengthens the signal and sends it to the speakers. The speakers vibrate, and your ears pick up the vibrations and your brain translates them into the voice of the radio announcer back at the station. When you consider all the places the announcer's voice travels.
 102. Every radio station has its own frequency. When you turn the tuning knob on your radio, you are choosing which frequency you want your antenna to "catch."
 103. Mountain lions are known by more than 100 names, including panther, catamount, cougar, painter and puma. Its scientific name is Felis concolor, which means "cat of one color." At one time, mountain lions were very common!
 104. The large cats of the world are divided into two groups- those that roar, like tigers and African lions, and those that purr. Mountain lions purr, hiss, scream, and snarl, but they cannot roar. They can jump a distance of 30 feet, and jump as high as 15 feet. It would take quite a fence to keep a mountain lion out! Their favorite food is deer, but they'll eat other critters as well. They hunt alone, not in packs like wolves. They sneak up on their prey just like a house cat sneaks up on a bird or toy- one slow step at a time. A lion can eat ten pounds of meat at one time!
 105. Queen ants can live to be 30 years old
 106. Dragonflies can flap their wings 28 times per second and they can fly up to 60 miles per hour
 107. As fast as dragonflies can flap their wings, bees are even faster... they can flap their wings 435 times per second
 108. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
 109. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath
 110. Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day
 111. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people
 112. The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump!
 113. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!
 114. Women blink nearly twice as much as men
 115. Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible
 116. Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren't added to it.
 117. More people are allergic to cow's milk than any other food.
 118. Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand
 119. Earth is the only planet not named after a god.
 120. It?s against the law to burp, or sneeze in a church in Nebraska, USA.
 121. Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food!
 122. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open
 123. Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not
 124. Slugs have 4 noses.
 125. Owls are the only birds that can see the blue colour.
 126. Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end
 127. More than 1,000 different languages are spoken on the continent of Africa.
 128. There was once an undersea post office in the Bahamas.
 129. Abraham Lincoln's mother died when she drank the milk of a cow that grazed on poisonous snakeroot
 130. After the death of Albert Einstein his brain was removed by a pathologist and put in a jar for future study.
 131. Penguins are not found in the North Pole
 132. A dentist invented the Electric Chair.
 133. A whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound
 134. Alexander Graham Bell's wife and mother were both deaf
 135. Cockroaches break wind every 15 minutes.
 136. Fish scales are an ingredient in most lipsticks
 137. Canada" is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".
 138. 259200 people die every day.
 139. 11% of the world is left-handed
 140. 1.7 liters of saliva is produced each day
 141. The world?s oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old!
 142. The largest beetle in the Americas is the Hercules beetle, which can be 4 to 6 inches in length. That's bigger than your hand!
 143. A full-grown male mountain lion may be 9 feet long, including his tail!
 144. There are two kinds of radio stations: AM and FM. That's why there are two dials on your radio. AM is used mostly for stations that specialize in talking, such as Christian stations at have Bible stories and sermons; sports stations that broadcast live baseball and football games; and stations that specialize in news programs and "talk shows," where listeners call the station and discuss various topics. FM is used mostly for stations that specialize in music.
 145. The average lead pencil can draw a line that is almost 35 miles long or you can write almost 50,000 words in English with just one pencil
 146. The Wright Brothers invented one of the first airplanes. It was called the Kitty Hawk.
 147. The worst industrial disaster in India occurred in 1984 in Bhopal the capital of Madhya Pradesh. A deadly chemical, methyl isocyanate leaked out of the Union Carbide factory killing more than 2500 and leaving thousands sick. In fact the effects of this gas tragedy are being felt even today.
 148. Mars is nicknamed the "Red Planet," because it looks reddish in the night sky. Mars has 2 moons.
 149. Venus is nicknamed the "Jewel of the Sky." Because of the greenhouse effect, it is hotter than Mercury, even though it's not as close to the sun. Venus does not have a moon but it does have clouds of sulfuric acid! If you're going to visit Venus, pack your gas mask!
 150. Tens of thousands of participants come from all over the world, fight in a harmless battle where more than one hundred metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets.

do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts,
do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts, do you know some interesting facts,

[ ... ]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tips & Tricks - some funny computer tricks

Add Your Name (or) Application to right click Of My Computer

To write your name on right click application
please follow the steps.

1.Copy/Paste the following code in Notepad And then Save it as .reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor]
@="Your Name Or Name of the Application"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor\command]
@="Location Of The Application"

2.Now edit it and then Type your name In


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor]

3. If u want to get any application, once you click Your name or name of application
Then , Type the location Of the application Which u want to open In:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Registry Editor\command]
@="Location Of The Application"

For eg.C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\messenger.exe
Thats It finally save it And then Run it .

Multiple Logins in yahoo without Software

1) Go to Start
2) Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Software-->Yahoo-->Pager-->Test
3)ON the Right side if the page , Right click and choose new Dword Value.
4) Rename it as " Plural ".
5)Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.
6) Now close registry and restar yahoo messenger and try Multiple Login

 Trick to Show Your name after time in taskbar...

Try this  trick to add up ur name in place of AM and PM beside time
Its simple
Step-1:- Navigate to -> Start -> Control Pannel -> Regional and Language Option -> Click on Customize -> Go to TIME Tab -> Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> Ok ...
Did It change? If not, follow step-2 below.

Step2:- Now go to time in taskbar and Double Click it to open "Date and time property" ...Look place where time changes in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM , click to arrow to cnage the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow. It will Show ur name or name that was entered by u, Apply -> OK and be HAPPY 8)

Multi Google Talk Login without any software

1) Right click on the Google Talk shortcut.
2) click on Properties.
3) Go to Shortcut tab on Google Talk Properties window.
4) On the Target textbox, add in the /nomutex to the end of the line so that it looks like below (or you can simply copy and paste the below syntax and replace the original).
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex
5) Click on OK.
  I didn't have to do anything after this and clicking on the shortcut multiple times just gave me different Google talk window.


To create a new shortcut for Google Talk:

1) Right-click on the desktop or anywhere you want to place the GTalk shortcut.
2) Select New on the right click context menu.
3) Then select Shortcut.
4) Copy and paste the following line to the text box when prompted to type the location of the item:
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex

5) Click on Next.
6) Give the shortcut a proper name such as Google Talk or Google
Talk Multiple or Google Talk Polygamy.
7) Click OK until you are done.

 Fake Desktop / Hide your desktop

-First, take a screenshot (Control+Prnt Scrn) of their desktop with all programs minimized, JUST their desktop.
-Open up Paint, and Control+V(Paste) the picture into paint and save it to the desktop
-Next right click the desktop and under "Arrange Icons By" un-check the "Show desktop icons"
-THis will lag the computer a second, the screen will flash and there will be no active icons.
-Now right click on the desktop --> Properties and go to the display, browse for the screenshotted desktop you took before and add it as the background!
-THeir "Desktop" looks fine and normal, but the icons aren't real, it's just a picture!!!! Watch histerically as they try and click on non-existent shortcuts!!!!!
[ ... ]

1 Rupee= 45$ ?? Just Imagine

Imagine 1 Rupee= 45 $ ??
Here is an old imagination.... but renewed now..
There's tremendous improvement in the economy of India. India's exports increase, imports decrease.
India becomes a super power as Economy is Power.
That is this. Yes. From today on,
Imagine... from then, this may happen...
Venue : Microsoft Corporation, New York, US
Some s/w engineers are seeing some photographs.
s/w engg 1 : What's that?
s/w engg 2 : Bob's photographs from India.
s/w engg 1 : Wow. Let me see. Which is this place?
s/w engg 3 : (Sees the photo) This is Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. 
s/w engg 1 : Fundoo yaar! And what is this? He's got an TVS 50 also.
s/w engg 2 : Let me see (sees). Sexy yaar. This guy enjoys life man...
s/w engg 3 : You know how much a TVS 50 costs? Nearly 200K. Say it in dollars...
s/w engg 2: Oops. We can't dream of such a thing here.
s/w engg 1 : Let's go to India & try for a job.
[Everybody excited.]
Venue: Sun Microsystems, SanFrancisco, California, US
s/w engg 1: I'm with you man. My Visa is expected
anytime. Soon I will fly to India
s/w engg 2 : Ohhh.... When is the party?
s/w engg 1: When I get it on hand.
s/w engg 2: Where will you be working?
s/w engg 1 : I'll be working in Madhapur.
s/w engg 2 : Oh! Madhapur. Great yaar. where it is...
s/w engg 1 : It is in Hyderabad.
s/w engg 3 : Fundoo place yaar. Nice climate Not like
California. You’ll love the weather yaar. One of my
friends is in Jaipur,Rajasthan...He says it's the
ultimate place to live in. Cool maan.
s/w engg 2 : Who is the client yaar?
s/w engg 1: You know  Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad?
s/w engg 3 : Yeah. MCH. One of my friends is there in the Road Cleaning Division. Most challenging job yaar. People are working in the cutting edge of technology there.
s/w engg 1 : I'll be writing software for the accounts department of the GCU.
s/w engg 2: GCU? what it means...?
s/w engg 1 : that is Garbage Collecting Unit.
s/w engg 3 : : Great yaar. That's what I like about that country. You can get a job which requires all your skill. Not like here. See I'm writing software for the space shuttle remote control.I hate this.
s/w engg 1 : Don't worry guys. I'll give you my Hotmail id. You can send your resume to me and I'll forward it to the HRD.
[Everybody takes down his Hotmail id.]
Venue: IBM, New York, US
(Conversation between a Male s/w engg. and Female s/w engg.)
Male : Hi!
Female: Hi. You know. I'm planning to settle in India soon.
Male : What??
Female : Yeah. My marriage will be here in America
only. He is doing his Ph.D in Miyapur College and he's coming here for a month. His study will be over in 2 months. He's already got a job in MEB (Miyapur Electricity Board). We planned to settle in Miyapur itself... I'm also planning to work there. Let's see...
Male: Good luck... dont forget us & US...
Venue: Intel Corp. US
s/w engg 1: Great news guys. Our George has got admission in the Nizam College in Hyd with scholarship for B.A History. A great new field  yaar...
All are excited...
George : Got my Visa yesterday. It's all finalized now.
s/w engg 2 : Congrats yaar. So you are out of this country.
S/w engg 1 : B.A in Histroy...ohh...man, enjoy your life there?
s/w engg 2 : : Got full aid, eh?
George : Yeah. Got the UGC scholarship That will be 1200 Rupees per Year.
s/w engg 1 : Great. Enjoy.
s/w engg 2 : (Thinking loud): 1200 Indian Rupees...!
that means 1200 * 45 = 54000 Dollars... with that
amount I can buy a three bed-room flat & a Mercedes here...!!!
[ ... ]

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tips and Tricks - Improve Windows XP Shutdown Speed

 This tweak reduces the time XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.
Go to Start then select Run
Type 'Regedit' and click ok
Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now select 'HungAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now find 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop'
Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
Now find 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\'
Select 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
Right click and select 'Modify'
Change the value to '1000'
Click 'OK'
[ ... ]

Tips and Tricks - Top 20 Tips To Keep Your System Faster

Follow these tips and you will definitely have a much faster and more reliable PC!

 1. Wallpapers: They slow your whole system down, so if you're willing to compromise, have a basic plain one instead!

2. Drivers: Update your hardware drivers as frequently as possible.  New drivers tend to increase system speed especially in the case of graphics cards, their drivers are updated by the manufacturer very frequently!

3. Minimizing: If you want to use several programs at the same time then minimize those you are not using.  This helps reduce the overload on RAM.

4. Boot Faster: The 'starting Windows 98/XP' message on startup can delay your booting for a couple of seconds.  To get rid of this message go to c:\ and find the file Msdos.sys.  Remove the Read-Only option.  Next, open it in Notepad or any other text editor.  Finally, go to the text 'Options' within the file and make the following changes: Add BootDelay=0.  To make your booting even faster, set add Logo=0 to remove the Windows logo at startup.

5. Restart only Windows: When restarting your PC, hold down Shift to only restart Windows rather than the whole system which will only take a fraction of the time.

6. Turn Off Animations:  Go to Display Settings from the Control Panel and switch to the Effects Tab. Now turn off Show Windows Content While Dragging and Smooth Edges on Screen Fonts.  This tip is also helpful with Windows XP because of the various fade/scroll effects.

7. Faster Start-Menu Access: Go to the Start menu and select Run.  Now type Regedit and hit Enter.  The Registry Editor will appear on the screen.  Now, open the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.  You should see a MenuShowDelay value.  If you don't then do the following: right click on a blank space in the right pane and select New\String.  Change the name in the new value to MenuShowDelay.  Now that we have the MenuShowDelay value, double click on it and enter 0 in the value data field.  This sets the start menu delay to 0 milliseconds.

8. Resolutions: If you are willing to do anything for faster performance from your PC, then try lowering your display resolution.  The lower it is, the faster your PC.

9. Turn off Active Desktop:  Go to your Display Properties and switch to the Web tab.  Uncheck View My Active Desktop As a Web Page.  Since the Active Desktop option under Windows 98 uses a lot of system resources, this option can have a dramatic effect on the speed of the whole system.

10. Defragment Often:  Windows 98's Defrag tool uses Application Acceleration from Intel which means that when you defragment your drive, data is physically arranged on the drive so that applications will load faster.

11. Take your PC to Bed:  Using the Advanced Power Management feature under Windows 98 gives you the option to use the sleep command.  That way, you can send your PC to sleep instead of shutting it down and then restarting it.  It's as simple as pressing a button and then pressing the same button to wake it up.  You can tell Windows after how many minutes/hours of inactivity to automatically sleep the machine in the Advanced Power Management section of the Control Panel.

12. Faster Internet Access: If you use the internet for reference and the sites you visit are rarely  updated then try the following.  In IE (the same can be done in Netscape) go to Tools, Internet Options.  Next, click on Settings... in the Temporary Internet Files  section.  Finally, select Never for the first option and double the amount of storage space to use, click OK!

13. Benchmarking: Benchmarking can be very useful when run frequently.  It can tell you how your PC's components are performing and then compare them to other machines like yours.  For example, when you overclock your PC, you want to know how much more speed you have and whether it is stable.  All this and more can be discovered using benchmarking.  An excellent piece of software for doing this job is SiSoft Sandra which can be found in the Downloads File Archive!

14. Refresh the Taskbar without restarting: If you in some way change the taskbar, either in Regedit or elsewhere, you can refresh the task bar without restarting.  Hold down Ctrl Alt Del, and double click on Explorer.  Say Yes to close Explorer, but no to closing Windows.  This will refresh the Taskbar and system tray.

15. Quick CD Eject: Instead of pushing the button on your drive, right-click your CD drive letter in My Computer and click on Eject.  This will also remove any icons that have become associated with the CD drive.

16. Start Up Programs:  Windows can be slowed down when programs run on start up.  To eliminate this, check your Start up folder.  You can access it from the start menu: Start, Programs, Start Up.  Another way to eliminate programs from loading even before Windows actually starts is by doing the following: Click on Start, then Run.  Type msconfig.  It will take quite a long time for this program to load, but when you finally see it on your screen, explore the different tabs.  They all have to do with how quickly your PC boots, so select what you want, and uncheck what you don't want!

17. Fonts: When Windows starts, it loads every single font in the Fonts folder.  Therefore, the more fonts you have, the slower the booting process.  To get rid of unwanted fonts, simply go to the Fonts folder under c:\windows and remove whatever you don't want.  Fonts that have a red letter 'A' as their icon are system fonts, so don't delete them.

18. Stretching Wallpapers:  Don't "stretch" your wallpaper in Windows 98 since it actually slows Windows down when you drag icons around on the desktop.

19. RAM Matters: If you have less than 32MB then you should seriously think of upgrading it to at least 64MB.  Windows runs much more smoothly with 64MB or higher and tends to use less hard disk space for virtual memory.

20. Partitioning: A very nice little thing you can do to boost system performance.  By partitioning your hard drive, splitting one physical drive into several logical ones, you can gain several advantages.  1. If you get a virus or you accidentally format a drive, not all will be lost.  2. By placing the swap file (Win386.swp) on a separate drive, The swap file will be less fragmented and thus, faster. 3. Place Windows on a separate drive and whenever you need to reinstall it, you rest assured that your data is safe on a separate drive.  Partitioning can be done using a few programs such as FDisk which comes with DOS.  However, FDisk formats everything on the hard disk before partitioning. Alternatively, you can use Partition Magic from Power Quest to partition your hard disk without losing your data.

[ ... ]

Tips and Tricks - How to restrict user's to access shutdown button?

This tip is very interesting for home and some small office users, who wants to restrict user's ability to shutdown their computer. You can hide the Shutdown button from the Start menu using registry editor and also restrict access to shutdown, if a user clicks on Ctrl+Alt+Del. 
Follow the given steps to hide system shutdown button from start menu:
  • To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with
        administrative rights.
  • Click Start button and type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.
  • Here locate the location to:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Policies\Explorer
  • Here in right side panel, right click to create a new DWORD value with name NoClose.
  • Now assign number 1 to its value data box.
  • Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.
  • But next time, if you want to unhide the shutdown button then simply change the value data box to 0 or delete this DWORD item.
  • Again close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.
[ ... ]

Tips and Tricks - How to adding your favorite image to a folder?

Dear friends here I have a very useful and interesting tip for you. Sometimes you have to face some problem to distinguish the folders because in standard configuration of window explorer each folder seems closely the similar to others.            
If you want to explore your folder in windows explorer's thumbnail view and make these folders are prominent then it is easier to distinguish using text name, for example you're download audio files or digital photos. But if you want to add image to a folder to distinguish with others then you should choose that folder which you want to decorate.
First open Window Explorer and right click on the folder to display the folder menu. Now choose Properties option from the menu, here a new dialog windows will appear with title "Program Properties".
Select Customize tab and click on "Choose Picture" button to add favorite image./p>
The image which you want to use navigates to that image and then clicks "Open" to view a sample of the picture inside the folder icon. Click on Ok button, if you are satisfied from that image .If you are not satisfied then choose another image.
Now at the end, go to View menu to display the folder in Explorer's thumbnail with image.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Faltoo Shayaris

NAMSKAR ! yeh hamari FALTOO SHAYARIS sewa hai. is main hum logo ko waqt beh waqt DISTURB Karte hai. is sewa ka labh uthane ka dhanya wad. AB APNA KAM KIJEA...

Arz kiya hai .......... jara gaur farmaeaga ...........

kutta mar gaya rajaai mein........
kutta mar gaya rajaai mein........
main pagal ho gaya teri judai mein.

Faltoo Shayaris

ek aur mulahija farmaeye ............ .......

Haathi naali me beh nahi sakta...........
Haathi naali me beh nahi sakta..........
aur main tere bina ab reh nahi sakta

Faltoo Shayaris

ek aur ............ ..

Tu mere dil mein aise samaayi hai.............
Jaise baajre ke khet mein bhains ghus aayi hai........

Faltoo Shayaris

saheban pesh-e-khidamat hai ............ .

Ke khidki se dekha to raste pe koi nahi tha ….......
Ke khidki se dekha to raste pe koi nahi tha ….......
Aur raste pe jake dekha to khidki pe koi nahi tha

Faltoo Shayaris

ek nur-e-sher pesh kar raha hoon

Darkat ke paimane pe chilman e husn ka
Furkat se yun sharmana….
Darkat ke paimane pe chilman e husn ka
Furkat se yun sharmana….
uparwali line ka matlab tumhare samaz mai aaye..
to hume jaroor batana.

Faltoo Shayaris

agla wala load shedding pe ......... jara gaur farmayega

Jise Dil diya woh Dilli chali gayi..
Jise Pyar kiya woh Italy chali gayi...
Dil ne kaha Khud Kushi(Ssuicide) kar le zalim...
Bijali ko haath lagaya to bijali chali gayi.......

Faltoo Shayaris

Khuda Hi Khuda
Idhar khuda hai, udar khuda hai,
Jidar dekho udar khuda hai,
idhar-udhar bus khuda hi khuda hai
jidhar nahi khuda hai….udhar kal khudega!

Faltoo Shayaris

Ai mere kadardan, Dost meri Jaan,
Tum hamesha rahoge hattekhatte nawjawan
kyounki…. Khuda meherbaan to

Faltoo Shayaris

 Yeh jo hasinao ke baal hote hai,
ladko ko fasane ke jaal hote hai,
pee jati hai sara khoon ladko ka
tabhi to gaal itne laal hote hain…

 Faltoo Shayaris

oon to hain hum ”BHRAMCHARI”,
magar jahan dekhi ”NAARI”
vahan ”AANKH-MAARI”,
pat gayi to hamari,
varna phir se ”BHRAMCHARI’

Faltoo Shayaris

Palko pe apni bithaya hai tujhe,
badi duaon k baad paya hai tujhe..
aasani se nahi mile ho tum,
international ZOO se churaya hai tujhe! 

 Faltoo Shayaris

 Taarif k kaabil hum kaha,
charcha to aapki chalti hai,
Sab kuch hai aap k paas,
Bus 2 seeng aur 1 pooch ki kami khalti hai.

 Faltoo Shayaris

Gunghat Mein Tujhe Dekha To Deewanna Hua,
Sangeet Ka Taraana Hua, Shamaa Ka Parwana Hua,
Masti Ka mastaana Hua,
Jaise Hi Gunghat Uthaya Is Duniya Se Ravana Hua

Faltoo Shayaris

Dil k dard ko zuba par laate nahi,
hum apni aankhon se ansu bahate nahi,
Zakhm chahe kitne hi gahre kyo na ho, ??
hum DETTOL k siva kuch laagate nahi.

 Faltoo Shayaris

bandookh chalai fire ho gaya..
bandookh chalai fire ho gaya..
…. ….
kuch bhi bak diya, to shayar ho gaya..!!

 Faltoo Shayaris

aapki ada..
aapki smile..
aapka chehra, aapka chalna..
aapka bolna..
uff ye aapka sharmaana..
aapki aankhein..
aapka andaz..
Uff bas ab kya kahun..
koi ek chiz to theek hoti aap mein..

 Faltoo Shayaris

Ram ne Danush toda to Sita Bhaag kar aayi….
Krishna ne Basuri bajayi to Radha daud ke aayi….
Hum ne sirf Siti bhajayi wo to Bapko le aayi…….

Faltoo Shayaris

keep reading faltoo shayaris we will updating every time...
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Online shopping

Indiatimes Shopping

online shopping

Ebay India

online shopping


online shopping

HomeShop 18

online shopping

Rediff Shopping

online shopping


online shopping


online shopping


online shopping
[ ... ]

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Important Toll Free Numbers in INDIA

I received this as an email forward, did not verify the numbers. I am not responsible for any errors in the list!

Indian Airlines – 1800 180 1407
Jet Airways – 1800 22 5522
SpiceJet – 1800 180 3333

Mahindra Scorpio – 1800 22 6006
Maruti – 1800 111 515
Tata Motors – 1800 22 5552
Windshield Experts – 1800 11 3636

ABN AMRO – 1800 11 2224
Canara Bank – 1800 44 6000
Citibank – 1800 44 2265
Corporatin Bank – 1800 443 555
Development Credit Bank – 1800 22 5769
HDFC Bank – 1800 227 227
ICICI Bank – 1800 333 499
ICICI Bank NRI – 1800 22 4848
IDBI Bank – 1800 11 6999
Indian Bank – 1800 425 1400
ING Vysya – 1800 44 9900
Kotak Mahindra Bank – 1800 22 6022
Lord Krishna Bank – 1800 11 2300
Punjab National Bank – 1800 122 222
State Bank of India – 1800 44 1955
Syndicate Bank – 1800 44 6655

Cell Phones
BenQ – 1800 22 08 08
Bird CellPhones – 1800 11 7700
Motorola MotoAssist – 1800 11 1211
Nokia – 3030 3838
Sony Ericsson – 3901 1111

Adrenalin – 1800 444 445
AMD – 1800 425 6664
Apple Computers – 1800 444 683
Canon – 1800 333 366
Cisco Systems – 1800 221 777
Compaq – HP – 1800 444 999
Data One Broadband – 1800 424 1800
Dell – 1800 444 026
Epson – 1800 44 0011
eSys – 3970 0011
Genesis Tally Academy – 1800 444 888
HCL – 1800 180 8080
IBM – 1800 443 333
Lexmark – 1800 22 4477
Marshal’s Point – 1800 33 4488
Microsoft – 1800 111 100
Microsoft Virus Update – 1901 333 334

Seagate – 1800 180 1104
Symantec – 1800 44 5533
TVS Electronics – 1800 444 566
WeP Peripherals – 1800 44 6446
Wipro – 1800 333 312
xerox – 1800 180 1225
Zenith – 1800 222 004

Couriers/Packers & Movers
ABT Courier – 1800 44 8585
AFL Wizz – 1800 22 9696
Agarwal Packers & Movers – 1800 11 4321
Associated Packers P Ltd – 1800 21 4560
DHL – 1800 111 345
FedEx – 1800 22 6161
Goel Packers & Movers – 1800 11 3456
UPS – 1800 22 7171

Edu Plus – 1800 444 000
Hindustan College – 1800 33 4438
NCERT – 1800 11 1265
Vellore Institute of Technology – 1800 441 555

Best on Health – 1800 11 8899
Dr Batras – 1800 11 6767
GlaxoSmithKline – 1800 22 8797
Johnson & Johnson – 1800 22 8111
Kaya Skin Clinic – 1800 22 5292
LifeCell – 1800 44 5323

Manmar Technologies – 1800 33 4420
Pfizer – 1800 442 442
Roche Accu-Chek – 1800 11 45 46
Rudraksha – 1800 21 4708
Varilux Lenses – 1800 44 8383
VLCC – 1800 33 1262

Home Appliances
Aiwa/Sony – 1800 11 1188
Anchor Switches – 1800 22 7979
Blue Star – 1800 22 2200
Bose Audio – 1800 11 2673
Bru Coffee Vending Machines – 1800 44 7171
Daikin Air Conditioners – 1800 444 222
DishTV – 1800 12 3474
Faber Chimneys – 1800 21 4595
Godrej – 1800 22 5511
Grundfos Pumps – 1800 33 4555

LG – 1901 180 9999
Philips – 1800 22 4422
Samsung – 1800 113 444
Sanyo – 1800 11 0101
Voltas – 1800 33 4546
WorldSpace Satellite Radio – 1800 44 5432

Hotel Reservations
GRT Grand – 1800 44 5500
InterContinental Hotels Group – 1800 111 000
Marriott – 1800 22 0044
Sarovar Park Plaza – 1800 111 222
Taj Holidays – 1800 111 825

AMP Sanmar – 1800 44 2200
Aviva – 1800 33 2244
Bajaj Allianz – 1800 22 5858
Chola MS General Insurance – 1800 44 5544
HDFC Standard Life – 1800 227 227
LIC – 1800 33 4433
Max New York Life – 1800 33 5577
Royal Sundaram – 1800 33 8899
SBI Life Insurance – 1800 22 9090

Kurl-on – 1800 44 0404
Sleepwell – 1800 11 2266

CAMS – 1800 44 2267
Chola Mutual Fund – 1800 22 2300
Easy IPO’s – 3030 5757
Fidelity Investments – 1800 180 8000
Franklin Templeton Fund – 1800 425 4255
J M Morgan Stanley – 1800 22 0004
Kotak Mutual Fund – 1800 222 626
LIC Housing Finance – 1800 44 0005
SBI Mutual Fund – 1800 22 3040
Sharekhan – 1800 22 7500
Tata Mutual Fund – 1800 22 0101

Asian Paints Home Solutions – 1800 22 5678
Berger Paints Home Decor – 1800 33 8800

Asian Sky Shop – 1800 22 1800
Jaipan Teleshoppe – 1800 11 5225
Tele Brands – 1800 11 8000
VMI Teleshopping – 1800 447 777
WWS Teleshopping – 1800 220 777

Club Mahindra Holidays – 1800 33 4539
Cox & Kings – 1800 22 1235
God TV Tours – 1800 442 777
Kerala Tourism – 1800 444 747
Kumarakom Lake Resort – 1800 44 5030
Raj Travels & Tours – 1800 22 9900
Sita Tours – 1800 111 911
SOTC Tours – 1800 22 3344

APC – 1800 44 4272
Numeric – 1800 44 3266

Consumer Helpline – 1800 11 4000
L’Orial, GARNIeR – 1800 223 000
KONE Elevator – 1800 444 666
Indane – 1800 44 51 15
Aavin – 1800 44 3300
Pedigree – 1800 11 2121
Kodak India – 1800 22 8877
Domino’s Pizza – 1800 111 123
World Vision India – 1800 444 550
Telecom Monitoring Cell – 1800 110 420

Did these numbers work for you? Let me know in comments page. BTW, updated the numbers from 1600* to 1800*

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Amazing Inspirational Toon !! Must see !!!

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